
Our Partners

René Moawad Foundation

The René Moawad Foundation is a nationally recognized and well-respected NGO founded on November 22, 1991, on the second anniversary of President René Moawad assassination. Their mission is to promote social, economic, and rural development in Lebanon and the MENA region and to guarantee that all citizens obtain their basic rights and dignity through proper education and economic stability.

H2O For Humanity

H2O for Humanity L3C, is a low profit, humanitarian business working to provide purified water via clean water systems, training, and services to rural villages in developing countries.

Arizona State University

Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona is a public research university ranked #1 on the list of Most Innovative Schools in America, dedicated to accessibility and excellence.

AM – Tech

AM – Tech aims to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. AM – Tech is a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.